How Business Process Automation Empowers Your Employees


Digital transformations in the workplace have reinvented the way we approach everyday business processes on a variety of levels. Low-level work is being done faster and with more intuitive, advanced analysis than ever before, mid-level management can trust that work is done correctly and with efficiency, and high-level leadership is able to spend less time analyzing insights for decision making. Business process automation (BPA) has introduced unrivaled growth in companies using it to its full ability, but many worry that employees can be disheartened by automated processes. However, a variety of sources show that business process automation has empowered employees to a greater extent. How is this done? The team at Savvior - leaders among Pittsburgh tech companies - is here to break down how BPA empowers people in the workplace.

Investing in Automation is an Investment in Human Capital

Pittsburgh Tech Companies Invest in Improving Menial Tasks

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For decades businesses have been using the same types of labor to complete work. Think of it this way; in the early 20th century, all payroll was done by hand, recorded and placed in a cabinet, and employees were paid with a handoff from the boss. With the introduction of the computer in the late 20th century, payroll and similar processes were moved to a computer for recording and calculating employee paychecks. For the past 30 years or more, someone has sat at a computer in the payroll department checking these numbers, repeating the payroll process for anywhere from 10 to 1,000 employees or more. This raises the question -- is this monotonous process really what your payroll employee should be doing? Is there a way to enhance the work-life of this employee?

That’s exactly what business process automation does for employees like the payroll employee. Beginning with automating this repetitive, monotonous task, business process automation saves time for more high-level tasks like resolving payroll errors and developing an enhanced time reporting system with higher-ranking employees. These higher-level tasks empower your previously glanced-over employees to use their knowledgeable skillset and expertise to continue to help the company grow.

Additionally, automation empowers employees by reducing the amount of nitpicky oversight needed on simple tasks. While effective management often requires a keen eye for detail, approaching management with a more laissez-faire mindset allows good employees to grow and great employees to take initiative. This allows management to acknowledge and reward excelling employees with more advanced projects that require hands-on action and expertise.

In the case of automation within customer support, there are undeniable benefits to automating simple tasks. Not only do low-level support claims get handled faster on the customer-facing end, but removing the human face from a majority of angry customers cuts down on the berating that support employees often receive. This - much like the payroll employee - allows support employees to move to more difficult tasks down the pipeline. This empowers support employees by reminding them of their value and allows them to make more a difference in the lives of customers. 

All put together, automation is an investment in the work-life of your valuable human capital. Paving the way for more advanced, higher-level tasks increases job satisfaction and keeps your employees happy.

Improving Employee Satisfaction Improves Your Business as a Whole

Pittsburgh Tech Companies Credit Employee Satisfaction and Efficiency as a Reason for Growth with Automation

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Your employee satisfaction isn’t the only thing enhanced by business process automation. Streamlining processes with business process automation creates fewer errors and completes work faster than humans, increasing your overall efficiency in each automated sector of your business. Additionally, management will save time and save your company money without having to worry about the oversight of low-level tasks as they take their valuable skillsets elsewhere.

Additionally, there is great value for you as a business in keeping your employees satisfied. Unsatisfied employees tend to work slower and less effectively. Additionally, a non-compelling workplace often faces a high rate of turnover that is extremely costly for a company. Instead of continuous training and retraining employees, keeping a core group of experienced, dedicated employees help keep your HR dollar to a minimum.

Most importantly, business process automation works in a careful cycle to allow for the promotion of more strategic business initiatives. Think of it this way; the less time your employees spend focusing on menial, easy-to-automate tasks, the more these great minds within your company can be used to accelerate ideas and introduce ideas for growth. While these employees turn their energy into the implementation of strategic initiatives, your work is still being done faster than ever before. Once the strategic initiatives go into place, your processes become even more streamlined than ever before. This cycle of continuous improvement adds a competitive edge to your business while keeping your employees happy.

Think it’s time to start empowering your employees from the ground up? Get in touch with Savvior - a leader among Pittsburgh tech companies - today to learn how to get started with the implementation of BPA in your company.