The Pittsburgh IT consulting team at Savvior offers a number of services to its partners. The most sophisticated of which being full customized software development. But when you’re shopping for custom software, you need to make sure the IT consulting team you turn to can handle the job. We want you to know when you choose Savvior, you’re making the right decision.
We’ll take you through the case of one of our many satisfied clients, Accelero Met. From start to finish we’ll look at:
What they needed
What we did
Our results
What they needed
Accelero Health Partners is a medical orthopedic consulting firm that helps hospitals create Musculoskeletal Service lines and Orthopedic Product Lines. They also service hospitals by focusing on patient experience and satisfaction with orthopedic product and services.
When Accelero first sat down with Savvior, they were looking for an IT consulting team to help them update and transfer their accounts payable and sales networks to a more robust and modern system. Specifically, they needed:
To migrate from Quickbooks 2003 to 2013
An updated way for their sales teams to track billable vs non-billable expenses, credit card transactions, and employee timesheets (all formerly being handled by a dated Microsoft Access 2005)
An added application allowing for layers of authentication and user access
There were a few other small requests, but these were the major needs Savvior needed to provide. To make matters difficult the upgrade in Quickbook versions looked like it would complicate the way they received expense entries from the sales staff. Further, the updated version of Quickbooks would no longer integrate with Microsoft Access meaning that would need to be replaced entirely. Accelero was also concerned about a potential breach of information if any changes were made to their corporate office’s firewall; this would absolutely not be acceptable.
With these needs in hand, Savvior got to work building a software network that would catapult Accelero’s team to success.
What we did

Given the parameters set by Accelero, our IT consulting team in Pittsburgh knew the solution to their woes would be two fold:
A simple update from Quickbooks 2003 to Quickbooks 2013
A custom software network that would function similarly to Microsoft Access but allow for integration with the updated Quickbooks account as well as added functions that our clients were missing out on
The resulting custom software our IT consulting team in Pittsburgh designed was called ‘MET’. Using the Microsoft Access utility, Savvior wire-framed a web UI to mimic most of the MA functions the Accelero team was accustomed to while attaching other functions such as PDF exportability and user notifications.
Next, the Accelero team members were each given unique login and account information that corresponded with particular levels of accessibility -- something the previous system hadn’t allowed for. This granted easier access to administrators to key functions such as access to timesheets, expense approval, record entry and the addition of users. Whereas before these functions were technically open to any user on the platform, now they were secure -- left only to those with the proper access.
Finally, ‘MET’ was designed with integration to Quickbooks 2013 in mind. Expenses and credit card transactions were made exportable to Quickbooks in a flat-file, which was downloadable by administrators. This also meant that future Quickbook updates and maintenance would run smoother that the one Savvior’s IT consulting team in Pittsburgh was called in to perform.
Our results

In the end, Accelero got the solutions they were looking for from our IT consulting team in Pittsburgh. Easily enough, and without any disruption in productivity, the Quickbooks application was upgraded from its 2003 version to 2013. More importantly, the ‘MET’ application launched with success, and the Accelero team was able to import the transactional and data history from Microsoft Access to the new application Savvior designed. This way historical reporting and auditing would remain possible under the same application for ease of use. Finally, the specially designed ‘MET’ was able to seamlessly integrate with the updated Quickbooks application. This means future updates in Quickbooks would be done faster and simpler without the need of an outside IT consulting team. It also means these updates could occur without concern for how the sales team would input sales and timesheets as they’re all handled under the one ‘MET’ application.
Accelero made the right choice choosing Savvior to get them where they needed to be in their daily software workflow. Our team of IT consulting experts based in Pittsburgh have years of experience behind them, so you know your problems have solutions that will last.